Sunday, December 13, 2015

A broken family, a broken relationships; henceforth a broken me

Family ties nowadays are weighed in gold/money. #materiallove.
In my opinion, It doesn't matter to me who's providing me more, all that matters is how we treat our elders and whether they care about us in some measure.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Books, books 'n books

What would I do without you???

It's so true about what they say about these guys (books), "Books are our best friends". I'm so glad and content, that they have been with me, whether it was an ecstatic up'er moment or the rock bottom downer of my life. And how I wish, I really own'd a huge rack of 'em all put together; no pun intended. They are completely unbiased in everything, be it roots (in other words caste), religion, h*ll even gender. It's never impartial to anyone.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Just a few Insignificant thoughts of Why I wanna start a Blog.

Hello Readers/Strangers/:-P non-strangers,

                         To start with, I ain't looking forward to anybody's opinion or views or whatever. This blog here is like my first message I'm sharing it. It means a lot to whom this is being addressed. Where I can't  simply face them, either confront or express myself & nor its..................... The sole purpose of this blog isn't to publicize it to everybody but it just is something I want to be left as a mark, there's probably any prominent proof of my sadistic existence.... Well as per the begining of it, was not so bad after all. Very shy, very reserved, veryless spoken was I in my schooling. I wasn't much open neither in my early teens nor my teenage..... As a kid, I was kinda the odd one out, awkward kind, I think. Typically, not so exuberant was, I.
